To use the PlaySound function, you must import the function from the proper DLL. Place the using line at the top of your class file: using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // for DllImport In your variable declarations, add this declaration: [DllImport("winmm.dll")] private static extern int PlaySound(String filename, int handle, int mode); Now place a WAV file in the same directory as your executable, and play it like so: PlaySound("test.wav", 0, 0x0001); // 0x0001 means to play asynchronously Asynchronous play tells Windows to play the sound and immediately return control to the program. This enables the animation to continue while the sound is being played. To play a sound synchronously, change the last argument to 0x20000. To stop a sound from playing, do this: PlaySound(null, 0, 0);