Inline Functions


The reserved word inline used before a function’s return type instructs the compiler to insert a copy of that function into the program at each call to the function, rather than making the function call.


When to use

Use for very small often-used functions.



Makes execution faster because the overhead of the function-call is avoided.



Increases program size, memory footprint.


Dose of Reality

The compiler generally makes functions inline when it wishes, whether or not you asked it to.  “Inline is considered a hint to the compiler not a command.  That means compilers are free to ignore your inline directives whenever they want to, and it’s not hard to make them want to.” (Effective C++, Scott Myers, p.138)


Most likely ignored if your function:

  1. ever have a pointer to it.
  2. contains loops.
  3. is recursive.
  4. is virtual.