The Holland-Waller Center is named in honor of Sue Holland and Joella Waller, two special women who represent so many others who prayed and sacrificed to send their children to Harding University. On the second floor, a community space is designed not only to recognize the Outstanding Women of Faith selected by the Advisory Board, but also other strong women of faith you choose to honor and celebrate.
Celebrate a Woman in Your Life
Make a gift to Women of Faith and honor a woman who has made a positive impact on your life. A plaque with your honoree's name along with a short description will be displayed in the Holland-Waller Center. A minimum gift of $1,000 is required. To give, use one of these links:
Make a Gift Online
Make a Gift By Mail Using This Form
Print the above form and send it in with your check to:
Harding University Advancement
915 E Market Ave
Box 12238
Searcy, AR 72149