Campus Life

From petting zoos to bingo nights and more, Campus Life holds events on campus for all students.

The Office of Campus Life is committed to developing positive and inclusive student opportunities and experiences for the Harding community. We strive to have 2-4 events per week that school is in session, mostly at nights or on the weekend. These range from specific interests, like a Super Bowl watch party, or broad interests, such as bingo nights in the Student Center.  

Campus Life is frequently on the move to plan fun, engaging and inclusive activities for the students on our residential campus. Broadly speaking, these events include movies, trivia nights, concerts, hype rallies, celebrations and much more!

Follow our social media accounts (@HardingCampusLife) and check out the Harding Events calendar in Pipeline to stay current on upcoming events.

Work with us!

Campus Life Directors: Student workers for the Office of Campus Life develop positive and inclusive student opportunities and experiences by working through co-curricular collaboration, the creation of campus activities, and the advancement of student belonging. Applications for director positions open each April for the following school year. 

HERD (Harding Entertainment Resource Department): A second-semester freshmen, first-semester sophomore hype crew that helps bring energy and excitement to our large events, as well as promoting our social media posts. Applications for the HERD open in December and are filled for the full calendar year. 

Contact Information