Graduate Resources

Contact Directory
Graduate Assistants

A complete description of the Graduate Assistant Program, including links to all forms, can be found in the Handbook on Graduate Assistants. The forms are also available below:

GA Application

College or Department Level Graduate Assistant Positions: There are some graduate assistant positions available directly from certain colleges or departments, like the Speech-Language Pathology program. These are specific to the sponsoring college or department, which handles both the eligibility criteria and the funding. For information regarding this sort of GA position, please contact the specific college or department of interest.

Graduate assistants have long been an integral part of university life and serve a dual purpose: the University benefits from the work of a budding professional, and the participating student benefits from a real-life experience related to his or her area of study, as well as receiving a scholarship and stipend.

Working together, we can ensure that Harding’s Graduate Assistant Program provides mutual benefits to both recipient students and to the University at large.

Graduate and Professional Student Handbook

This handbook is prepared especially for our graduate and professional students. Upon registering, students agree to conform to the high expectations and policies set forth in this handbook. It is beneficial for the graduate/professional student to become familiar with the information contained within this handbook.

Graduate/Professional Student Handbook pdf

Graduate and Professional Academic Affairs Committee

The Graduate/Professional Academic Affairs committee (GPAAC) is the policymaking body for graduate and professional programs. The committee includes two faculty representatives and one student representative from each college along with ex officio members from the provost and registrar offices.

Library Services

Graduate and Professional students at Harding have 24/7 access to more than 120 online databases, many containing full text journal access. In addition, Brackett Library offers Interlibrary Loan services to assist students in borrowing books and obtaining copies of articles that we do not own. The library also participates in ARKLink, a statewide program that allows Harding students to borrow materials directly from participating institutions. Please consult the library's website for more information about services and other resources Brackett Library offers.

McNair Scholars

Harding University offers an application fee waiver for McNair Scholars wishing to apply to its graduate and professional programs. Applicants must submit an approved form (PDF) signed by their McNair Director (or designate) signifying that they are McNair Scholars in good standing. For more information visit the McNair Program.

Minister's Discount

Church Leadership - Discounted Counseling Skills Certificate

Through the College of Education's Mental Health and Wellness department, the Graduate Certificate in Counseling Skills is being offered to church ministers, shepherds and ministry leaders at a significantly reduced rate. The cost of the first class is $250 with the remaining classes 50% off. See Certificate in Counseling Skills for more information or contact us at 501-279-4500 or

For students with disabilities, please see the info for Graduate Students at Disability Services and Educational Access.


Scholarships and Grants

Harding graduate and professional scholarships are administered and awarded by the individual programs.

For students with disabilities, please see the info for Graduate Students at Disability Services and Educational Access.

Allied Health

Communication Sciences and Disorders

Graduate Assistantship

Students work 10 hours/week for the department and receive 10 hours/week of scholarship; total award is $25,000 if the award is retained through five semesters.

Students indicate a desire to apply for this award during the application process. Strong candidates are identified and interviewed. We award three GA positions in each cohort of students, for a total of six in our graduate program (Three in each of two cohorts).

Additional departmental scholarship opportunities will be made available to candidates accepted to the program.

Once both seat deposits have been paid and the student is admitted to the University, full-time students in the MS-SLP program may apply for GA positions in other departments on campus via the form in Pipeline.

In some areas, speech-language pathologists qualify for the TEACH grant program and may also be eligible for public service loan forgiveness.

Graduate student scholarships are available from the ASHFoundationCouncil for Academic Programs in CSD, Health Resources & Services Administration, AMBUCS and Junior Auxiliary, among others.

Contact: Melanie Meeker

Physician Assistant Studies

Veterans Endowed Scholarship for Physician Assistant

Applicants must be enrolled in the HUPA program in good academic standing, not on academic warning or probation at time of application or selection, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. They must have demonstrated professionalism throughout the academic year. They must show leadership and diligence and demonstrate capability in the PA curriculum, demonstrate financial need based on a FAFSA information provided by Harding University Financial Aid. In addition, they must have veteran’s status or immediate family member (spouse, child, parent, sibling, or grandparent) who is a veteran is not required but veterans and/or their family members will be given preference. A veteran family member other than the above should be mentioned but may not receive preference.

Students must meet the above criteria. Other factors are also considered base on application. These include 1) leadership roles including leadership positions, community service, honors and awards, and 2) financial need.

Deadline: Determined during the student's third semester
Application: Distributed by the department

Contact: Debbie Kemper


Custom Corporate Cohort Degree Programs available for businesses.

  • Participants in company's custom cohort degree program may receive up to 20% off of the respective program's tuition
  • Professors can come to your place of business

Contact: Rochelle Waddill at or 501-279-4523

Take advantage of your company's education reimbursement benefit package.

Many companies offer 50% or more reimbursement when their employees pursue higher education or additional certifications.


Educational Leadership Scholarship

Awarded to Harding University candidates in Graduate Education specifically in the area of Educational Leadership: Principal, Curriculum & Instruction Administration, Special Education Administration and Superintendent. The scholarship will be $500 for one semester awarded to three candidates seeking an administrative license. Candidates can apply each semester (fall, spring and summer) for this scholarship. Recipients are eligible to receive this scholarship once per calendar year. A committee established in the College of Education will be responsible for the selection of the recipients.

Contact: Educational Leadership Office at 501-279-4117 or

Educational Leadership Ed.D: Harding University Staff Fellowship

This university fellowship program is available to assist staff in pursuit of the College of Education’s Ed.D. in Educational Leadership – Higher Education Track. This program provides professional development for approved members of the staff at Harding and will benefit both the staff member and the University. Faculty are not eligible for this program. Eligible staff must have completed at least three years of service to Harding in order to participate in this program and can apply during their third year of service at Harding. There are a limited number of fellowships; the number awarded each year is based on the funding available and the size of the incoming class. Typically, no more than two fellowships are awarded in a given year. Priority is given to well-qualified applicants with a rationale of benefits to both the applicant and Harding. The Ed.D. program director will collaborate with various offices on campus to develop a list of potential research topics that will benefit the university. Fellowship recipients must choose a research topic that will be beneficial to Harding. All fellowship recipients will make progress reports to their immediate supervisor (copied to their vice president) and the provost at the end of each year. The director of the Ed.D. program must evaluate and determine that the dissertation topic is of potential benefit to Harding. While participating in the fellowship program, the staff member’s pay will not be increased more than the normal rate of increase provided to other full-time employees. Only after completing the doctorate will the staff member’s salary be adjusted. The only exception is if the staff member is promoted to a higher paying position. Ed.D. classes are typically on Saturdays at the North Little Rock campus, so they do not conflict with the normal Monday through Friday workweek. In the event of a class conflict with work, the fellowship recipient must work out a satisfactory work schedule adjustment with their immediate supervisor.

Harding University will pay tuition and technology fees only in the amount of 100% for all non-dissertation course work and 75% for all dissertation credit hours. The staff member will sign an education assistance agreement before beginning the fellowship program. The doctorate must be completed within a seven-year period from the date of the first term of classes. To be eligible for education assistance agreement forgiveness, the staff member is required to sign a promissory note that requires a year of service to the university for each year of support provided. If the staff member leaves active employment with Harding University, the education assistance agreement forgiveness ends immediately. The staff member is responsible for repayment of the balance at the terms agreed to in the education assistance agreements. Individuals who fail to complete their program of study must repay the university in full for all funds that were provided. If the failure of completion occurs through no fault of their own, the staff may petition for an exception.


  1. Apply and be accepted into Harding's Ed.D. program for higher educational leadership.

  2. Submit a written request for a fellowship to the director of the Ed.D. program that includes a rationale, describing the benefit to the applicant and to Harding. Include letters of support from immediate supervisor and (if not the same) the appropriate vice president. Only those submitted with approval of the respective vice president will be forwarded to the fellowship committee for consideration.

  3. Applications will be evaluated by the Ed.D. fellowship committee that is comprised of the Ed.D. program director, Executive VP, the Provost, the VP for Finance. The fellowship committee will review each application and make recommendations to the president.

  4. The Ed.D. program director will communicate the decision of the president to the applicants.
  5. Fellowship recipients will work with the Ed.D. office to facilitate support.

Providing support for pursuit of Ed.D. in higher education for approve staff is a form of professional development that leads to a better-qualified staff. The dissertation research topic selected will be of benefit to the university.

Contact: Educational Leadership Office at 501-279-4117 or

Mental Health and Wellness

Marriage and Family Counseling/Therapy


Applicants who are church ministers, shepherds or serve in other leadership or ministry capacities are eligible for savings. The cost of the first class is $250 with a 50% discount for remaining counseling skills certificate classes.

Contact: or 501-279-4500


Marriage and Family Counseling/Therapy


This scholarship is awarded based on scholarship, leadership, diligence, demonstrated capability and financial need. Recipients shall maintain a satisfactory grade point average and a good reputation among faculty and students. The amount is determined on a yearly basis dependent on available funds. There is no application.

Deadline: April 1

Contact: Justin Moore


Contact: Justin Moore


Contact: Justin Moore


Contact: Justin Moore


Master's Entry into Professional Nursing

The MEPN scholarship is based on gpa or academic merit and financial needs. All students admitted to the program are eligible to apply.

Contact: MEPN Program Coordinator


Agatha Culpepper Wallace Scholarship

The recipient of this scholarship is a student with demonstrated scholarship, leadership, diligence, capability and financial need.

Contact: Josh Brown

Arkansas Pharmacy Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a student who has expressed an intent to practice in Arkansas after graduation, has demonstrated leadership skills and is a member of at least one student organization affiliated with a national pharmacy organization.

Contact:Josh Brown

Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy Rural Loan Program

This program was established by the Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy to provide tuition loans to a select number of pharmacy students who intend to work in rural Arkansas communities of less than 15,000 people and which are at least 15 miles from the nearest incorporated municipality/city with 50,000 or more inhabitants. The tuition loan does not require repayment if the graduate works full time as a pharmacist for 36 consecutive months in an eligible community.

Contact:Josh Brown

Dean's Merit Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to the top ten percent of each professional year class.

Contact:Josh Brown

Faculty and Staff Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the inaugural faculty and staff of the Harding University College of Pharmacy to recognize superior talent within the student body students who possess strong leadership ability, academic and professional promise, and exemplify the ideals of Harding University College of Pharmacy.

Contact:Josh Brown

Gay Nell Hixson Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to applicants who demonstrate scholarship, leadership, diligence, capability and financial need. Recipients shall maintain a satisfactory grade point average and a good reputation among faculty and students.

Contact:Josh Brown

Mark Story Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Mark Story family and is awarded to a P3 or P4 student pursuing a focus in pharmacy management who has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and is in good academic standing. Preference is given to those completing a M.B.A. in addition to their Pharm.D.

Contact:Josh Brown

Mickey & Sue Hixson Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to applicants who are completing at least their first professional year in the College of Pharmacy, have demonstrated strong work ethic, have financial need, are considered to display the highest level of integrity, and who consistently serve others with a smile.

Contact: Josh Brown

Richie's Specialty Pharmacy Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic performance and financial need.

Contact:Josh Brown

Walgreens Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded annually to a student engaged in efforts to raise awareness in diversity and community outreach.

Contact:Josh Brown

Walgreens Multilingual Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a single student who is fluent speaking in one or more languages in addition to English with an interest in community pharmacy.

Contact:Josh Brown


Harding School of Theology

Harding School of Theology offers a variety of scholarships for:

  • Master of Arts
  • Master of Arts in Christian Ministry
  • Maser of Arts in Divinity
  • Doctor of Ministry

Contact: Christopher Jackson (

Contact Information

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